In this workshop we will explore the use of bandhas and breath to help your Yoga practice feel lighter. We will look at the mindful placement of the limbs and direction of the gaze to help support our exploration of flight and inversions.
Inverting the body can be fun but it also can be injurious if it is not done mindfully and by building the necessary strength and mobility to come up without excessive force.
To balance your pelvis and legs on your ribcage requires excellent control of your core and the strength and mobility to organize your shoulders in a stable position and to balance your legs over your hips.
We will play with exercises to help develop this strength and mobility and we will use the wall and partners to explore going upside down safely.
Inverting safely and mindfully is not the key to happiness or to being a good Yogi but it is a great way to understand the relationship between the alignment of the ribcage and the pelvis, to develop the strength and skills to stabilize your core, and to explore that magical balance between steadiness and ease, sthira and sukha.